What is ARTCURE®

ART: ART, CURE: TREATMENT ARTCURE® is a new system that will innovate current treatment protocols as deeply, gently and not hurting, as an execution of an art. ARTCURE® is a product of a 4-year research and scientific studies. ARTCURE® is a medical de­vice with 100% natural ingredients.

ARTCURE® is the only product that reduces the pressure on spinal cord by making the volume of disc herniations smaller than the current volume via the mechanical effect.

ARTCURE®shows the high rate of success with its special patented formula when applied to the right patient.
ARTCURE® is applied on the hernited area of the skin. Patient should be in a rest position after application for 24 hours.
ARTCURE® can be used for the treatment of existing disc herniation. The application period is 24 hours. At the end of the 24th hour after the application, your pains are reduced up to 90%.
ARTCURE® is a treatment modality that provides the fastest recovery without a break in the working life among the treatments of disc herniation.
ARTCURE® is a product with very high patient compliance rates and a special patented formula, because only a 24-hour-rest is sufficient.
ARTCURE® is “an alternative treatment supplement according to the current and conventional treatment methods”.
Can be applied in intermediate and advanced stages of disc herniation.
Does not lead to interruption of daily life.
Does not require surgical intervention.
Can be applied to all patients except for those with atopic skin.


Diffusional Impact

ARTCURE® is the only product that reduces the pressure on spinal cord by making the volume of disc herniations smaller than the current volume via the mechanical effect.
ARTCURE ® components reaching the nucleus pulpous (herniated disc) via the special carriers provide the evacuation of the water inside the herniated nucleus pulposus which contains 80-90% water and result in a large reduction in the weight of the herniated nucleus pulposus. The nucleus pulposus which is decreased in weight generates fewer pressure on the spinal cord. Thus, a significant reduction occurs in the patient’s pain.